Side hustles for stay-at-home moms in Kenya

Being a stay-at-home mum is a rewarding job in itself, but for some women, they may also want to find ways to earn some extra income while still being able to stay at home and take care of their children. Luckily, there are many jobs that can be done from the comfort of your own home in Kenya. Here are some ideas for jobs that stay-at-home mums in Kenya can pursue:

  • Freelancing
    With the digital economy booming, there are numerous opportunities for freelancers in fields such as writing, graphic design, web development, bookkeeping and virtual assistance. Websites like Upwork, Fiverr, and provide a platform for Kenyans to showcase their skills and connect with clients from around the world.
  • Selling products online
    This can range from selling handmade crafts on websites like Etsy to dropshipping products from international suppliers. E-commerce platforms like Jumia, Kilimall, and Masoko make it easy for Kenyans to set up their online stores and reach a wide customer base.
  • Create a YouTube channel (vlogging)
    If you enjoy social media, starting a YouTube channel may be a fun way to try and earn some extra cash. You may focus your channel on parenthood, cooking, cleaning or on any of your talents or interests. Find a niche that fits your passions and start posting regular content. After meeting the eligibility criteria for YouTube’s Partner Program, you can start making money from YouTube through ads, memberships and more. You could also try contacting brands to see if they are interested in a paid sponsorship.
  • Blogging
    Ready to share your voice with the world? Start a blog! Choose a topic you’re passionate about, maybe parenting hacks, DIY crafts, or healthy family recipes. Set up your blog using platforms like WordPress or Blogger, and make it visually appealing with simple design tools. Consistently create and post engaging content, and use social media to drive traffic to your blog. Consider monetizing through ads, sponsored posts, or affiliate marketing. As your audience grows, so can your earnings—all while expressing your creativity and connecting with others from the comfort of home.
  • Crafting and Selling Handmade Goods
    Unleash your creativity by crafting and selling handmade goods! Start by picking a craft you love, whether it’s knitting, jewelry making, or creating custom decor. Use platforms like Etsy or Instagram to showcase your creations. Make sure to take beautiful, clear photos and write engaging descriptions. Attend local craft fairs or markets to expand your reach and create a loyal customer base. As your skills sharpen and your products dazzle, you’ll find joy in every piece you create and sell, all while earning extra income from home.
  • Manage social media
    Got a knack for navigating the digital world? Consider social media management! Many small businesses and entrepreneurs need help building and maintaining their online presence. Start by brushing up on your social media skills and understanding different platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Offer your services to local businesses, perhaps starting with one you already love and frequent. Create engaging posts, manage interactions, and grow their audience. As you prove your ability to boost online engagement, your client list and workload can grow, all from your cozy home office!
  • Online Tutoring
    If you have a passion for teaching, online tutoring can be a fantastic side hustle. Start by identifying your subject matter expertise—be it math, science, or a language. Platforms like or VIPKid connect tutors with students globally and handle scheduling and payments. Create an engaging profile, highlighting your educational background and any teaching experience. You can also advertise your services locally on social media or community boards. Flexible hours allow you to work around your family’s schedule, making it easy to earn extra money while helping others learn and grow.
  • Affiliate Marketing
    Jump into the world of affiliate marketing and turn recommendations into revenue! First, choose products or services that resonate with your interests and align with your audience’s needs. Sign up for affiliate programs—Amazon Associates is a great place to start, but also explore options like Jumia. Create compelling content around these products, whether through blog posts, social media, or even a YouTube channel. Include your unique affiliate links; when someone makes a purchase through them, you earn a commission. It’s all about sharing what you love and earning from those recommendations—all from home!
  • Provide interior design services
    If you have a passion for interior home design, you may be able to turn it into a successful side business as a stay-at-home parent. Start by highlighting your own home with a portfolio online or though social media. You can take on small jobs as you build up your work examples. You also may want to consider reaching out to a more experienced interior design firm to see if they could use help for a short-term project.
  • Meal prep for others
    Cooking at home is often more affordable than eating out. If you’re an expert meal prepper, consider doing it to help others and earn some extra money on the side. Get paid to prepare nutritious meals for people who don’t have the time or the energy to do so. You can do all your prepping and cooking at home and drop off meals to your customers weekly or monthly. Start by selling your go-to recipes and build a loyal customer base.
  • Airbnb
    Exercise your hospitality skills and profit off extra space in your home by renting it out or renting an apartment at a prime place. Depending on your needs, you can rent out your space for long-term stays or as a vacation rental with a quicker turnaround. Popular sites like Airbnb and Vrbo allow you to list a room or an entire home to rent out to travellers.
  • Rent your car
    Vehicle leasing Kenya allows you as the car owner to make monthly income with your car. You could make upto KSh180,000 – and as low as KSH 50,000 per month based on the type of car you are leasing out.
  • Tailoring
    If you’re skilled with a needle and thread, try using those skills by working as a tailor or sewer. This may include hemming pants, taking in shirts, mending ripped clothes and altering dresses. You could try a part-time job through a clothing store or just freelance from home.

In conclusion, there are many job opportunities for stay-at-home mums in Kenya that allow them to earn an income while still being able to take care of their families. Whether you choose to freelance, start a craft business, or become an online tutor, there is a job out there that can fit your skills and interests. Take the time to explore different options and find the one that works best for you and your family.